Monday, March 31, 2008

New vids

Hey Everybody! Check out the new videos I put on down at the bottom of this page! quite impressive I think. Especially the letter from hell one- it makes you think a lot!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Army Pictures :)

For those of you who want some pictures, here are a few I just took a couple minutes ago of myself. The camera is a big pain to set the timer on, and it's only like 10 seconds, which is barely time to get into place, let alone make a good face.. but here are the pictures :) ;)

I'm tough... sorta... lol

Just another picture I took..
Ok, so it's not the regulation uniform appearance... but it's cooler this way :)
Me making a lame attempt at looking cool...

So this is more military dress code style... the sunglasses aren't supposed to be blue though, but that's the only thing.
^^^Here I am!!^^^
Army Rocks- oh yea!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Granny hits car

this is hillarious! go granny go!!
I'm not sure how she could fall asleep in the crosswalk, but...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Christ The Lord Is Risen Today!!

Happy easter everybody!! Every year on either on Good Friday of Easter I watch the Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson. It reminds me of just how much Jesus had to pay for our sins. In modern history when a soldier dies it is said he gives the greatest sacrifice. However, Jesus is really the one who gave the greatest sacrifice. Not only did he die an innocent man in one of the most horrible ways ever, but he took on all our sins, a sinless son of God, and his spirit died too. As I wait for the sunrise this morning, I remember that 2000 years ago my Jesus was raised from the dead, came back to life in human form, so He could return to heaven where he is seated at the right hand of the Father. He said to his disciples when He departed into the clouds, "I go to prepare a place for you" Truly, I cannot wait to see what He has in store for us. The only thing I know about the splendor of heaven is that nobody on earth can picture how wonderful it will be :)
God bless, and have a blessed and wonderful Easter Sunday!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Proud to serve God, Country, and Fellow Man as an American Soldier.

It is the Soldier, not the minister
Who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the Soldier, not the reporter
Who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the Soldier, not the poet
Who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer
Who has given us freedom to protest.

It is the Soldier, not the lawyer
Who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the Soldier, not the politician
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the Soldier who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag.

As an American soldier, the first and most important duty is to be a servant. Jesus called us to put others before ourselves, and that the greatest of men is the one who will humble himself as a servant. I can see no greater way to become a servant than to risk my life to protect the country and people I love. It is the soldier who risks his life to save a stranded young mother with her baby in a flood. It is the soldier who jumps from a helicopter to rescue a bleeding old man from the rubble of his house after an earthquake. It is the soldier who helps rebuild after a hurricane. It is the soldier who risks life and limb to get a trapped family away from their house in a forest fire. It is the soldier who distributes food to those who are dying of starvation. It is the soldier who faces bombs and bullets to rescue a wounded fellow soldier. It is the soldier who gave us independance It is the soldier who protects what he holds dear, and it is because of the courage, and servant-hood of the American soldier that Americans sleep safely in their beds each night. Please keep me along with all the other American soldiers in your prayers, God bless, and thank-you for being true to the American idea of freedom, even in these dark days when politicians do their best to strip us of every freedom we have.
God Bless!
PFC Matthew Beaty- Combat Medic I-T 135th EB

Finally it's more pictures!!

Sorry it took me so long, but I really didn't have a chance to take any pictures yet.. I had to stay home from work this morning to get these ones. They are not very good, but I was having trouble holding him and the camera, and he was moving a lot, the light was dim, and the camera I'm using is not that great.. and unfortunately my new camera just got put on hold :(
well, here are the pictures:

My Little man Eric :)

Check it out! A yawn and a wink at the same time!

happy little guy.. :)

I'm not sure just what that face means... halfway between a smile and a yawn I think..

He seemed to like looking at me better than looking at the camera.. lol

I think we've got a future gamer here!! :) :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Well, it's even worse...

Well, last week's bed news has carried over into this week. I found out that the rear main on my engine had gone bad, and that cost $100 to fix. Also, the part to fix the rest of the problem with my truck is going to cost $335.99 plus labor to install it.. yuck... once again God was with me, because the first place I had my truck looked at said they couldn't fix it, but that the problem was going to cost a minimum of $500 if not quite a bit more. Well, now the total is going to be less than $450 :) And the people who fixed my truck said that the problem I had is pretty much the only thing that goes bad on the old 22R Toyotas, and now that that is fixed, I shouldn't have much trouble as far as that goes. It's still going to leak some oil, but any older vehicle will do that, especailly a 25 year-old pickup truck! Also, the guy I was talking about has decided to enlist in the National Guard through me, so in about a couple weeks I'll get my 2000 dollars, or actually about $1800 or so after tax!! :) :)
I have been really worried that I was not going to have enough money to fix my truck, but God provides, and I had plenty to pay for the imminent problem at hand, and the other thing doesn't have to be fixed at all unless I want 4x4 back (which I do, but there's no major hurry) I won't be able to get my camera, but I'm sure God will provide for that when the time comes as well.
As we look toward Easter this week, and remember that Jesus' dying on the cross gave infinite life to all, perhaps my wallet is dying so that it can come back to life in a few days and be more abundant than ever!! ok.. that's a lame excuse for humor, especially since I take the Easter season very seriously, but I couldn't think of anything else... so... anyway.. I keep trying to take pictures of my little brother for you guys, but I leave too early in the morning, and he's usually tired or cranky in the evenings :(
God bless!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Even when the road is hard, God is awesome!

Though this has not been the greatest of weeks for me, God is still good. It started on Monday getting an overdraft charge from the bank. The bad thing was, the atm machine said I had like $160, so I went and bought groceries. Well, then the bank suddenly changed and said I didn't have any money in my account... It took them three days to update my account, and blah blah blah... well then Wednesday the Army paid me through direct fund transfer, and the bank acknowledged it, but put it on hold or something, so it let me use my card, but apparently the bank viewed any usage as automatic overdraft.. so I got a total of $50 fee for that that wasn't really even my fault, but there's nothing I can do about it. Then... the Lord decided to put me through another trial. Halfway to Salem on my way to take the dreaded mid-terms, my truck started shaking really really bad, and making horrible noises like I had a flat tire.. well, I got out, and then I wished it had been a flat tire.. it was the drive shaft for my front wheels, it had jammed up, and gotten off balance, and it tore some stuff up pretty bad. So now, my truck has been demoted to a 2wd vehicle until I can get the time and money (the part that I'm afraid has gone bad is almost $300...) also, it messed something up so now my truck is leaking oil between the transfer case and the transmission :( oh snap! it's not bad, but I haven't been able to find where it's leaking or why, and I can't find where to put more oil in so I don't loose my transmission too... hopefully it's not a sealed system.. on the bright side however, at this time my truck is still fully operational other than 4wd. It could have been my rear drive shaft, and I would probably still be out there in the middle of nowhere trying to fix it.. God is great! It also could have jammed up so I could have had a wreck, or any number of other things, but it didn't :) please be praying that it's not the part I think it is, and that it's just a bad u-joint (a $9 part) As far as the leaking oil... I'm probably going to have to have somebody else look at it. Pray that the guy i'm trying to get into the guard will go through with it, because then I will get $2000, which after I pay off my laptop and school debt would leave $400 or so which would come in really handy if I have to do anything expensive to my truck. I was really really hoping to use that money to buy a camera I've been wanting for the last year or so, but it's going to have to wait some more I suppose... other than that my week has been pretty normal other than the two times I ran out of money so I didn't have anything to eat other than leftover microwaved fish sticks.. (they're pretty gross, don't try this at home...)
Some positive points of my week: I got to go to a party/dance tonight which was a blast.. and I watched some pretty sweet war movies- "Blackhawk Down" and "Band of Brothers" both great movies, though they are kinda violent, and the profanity level is about like the real army..
also playing a little ssbm with my 'big' little sister (kristin)
Have a blessed week! If anybody has a 2008 cobalt blue dodge 1/2 ton truck with aftermarket lift and tires on it that they would like to donate to me, please let me know!! oh yea, and I'd prefer an Altec sound system too :) jk
God bless!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A guy's take on makeup

So, you're probably wondering why a guy is talking about makeup.. well, think about it this way- It is probably safe to say that most makeup is applied for the guys right? Well, I just thought I would put down my thoughts on it, which by talking with some other people, you will see that many, if not nearly all guys who are worth anything think the same about this as I do.
First of all, I'm not saying makeup is "evil" or anything like that. To put a little on to help put some color on is fine. However, believe it or not, we guys really want to see the real you. God made every person special, including girls :) I look at using lots of makeup to "cover up" the "ugliness" you think you see when you look in the mirror like I would somebody coming along and painting over parts of Michaelangelo's Sistine Chapel work because they think it looks bad. Really, when we guys look at you, we want to see the "real you" not a painting! If you're reading this, then you probably are listening to the music on my blog. If not, turn it back on and listen to the words. In the words of another song "You don't have to be picture perfect to be in my world."
American culture is raising girls nowadays to try to all look like the "perfect" woman. Girls spend all their time trying to make themselves fit into that "mold" of the perfect woman. The problem is, they were not created to fit that mold, and the truth is that there is no "perfect" woman, God made everybody different, and that's how it's supposed to be! Now, if you're a girl and you're reading this, you're probably saying "guys just don't care, don't listen to him!" but that's not true. I do care about appearance, but there's a difference between looking slovenly, and looking like a neat, but real true you. I personally think the most beautiful thing in anybody, but since this is about makeup that guys don't wear, the most beautiful thing about a girl or woman is what's on the inside, her personality, and next to that, the true glory of God's own handiwork without trying to cover it all up. So please girls, let us see you for who you are! Because, I hate to burst your bubble, but no matter how good of a makeup artist you might be, it never will look real, and even if it did, GOD himself created you to look just like you do- and by painting yourself to look like somebody else, you are telling GOD that His idea of true beauty is no good, and you know better. Please don't take offense at that, I'm not saying you're evil if you wear makeup, I have sisters, friends, and a mother who wear makeup, but I would encourage every young woman in America to think about why you are wearing makeup. If it's just a little to brighten up, especially in the winter when you can't go outside and let the sun do the work, go ahead by all means! Even a little mascara and eye shadow can look nice, but if you are always looking in the mirror thinking you're an ugly wretch, think again. I think most people, particularly the females have problems seeing themselves as the handiwork of a great an wonderful Creator, and truly beautiful just as they are. Any guy that's worth making yourself look nice for should like you just the same if you had messy hair and no makeup on. I know, it's ironical, the guys you want to look your best for are the ones who care the least about what you look like on the outside! But that's life. I would take this time to call America's young women in particular to remember that each and every one is the work of a perfect artist, and assuming that artist made a match for you, there is a man who will think you are the most beautiful of all women just as you are, without any false face all painted up. I think by looking around, the girls who fall on makeup the most have the least self-confidence, or self-esteem. That's something that's hard to conquer, but just remember that you are more than beautiful in God's eyes, and that is all that really matters.
As to hair, I will admit there are times that "done up" hair can really look nice, and it will really catch my eye. On the other hand, most of us guys like messy hair just about as much, just listen to my blog song, as well as several songs spreading over nearly every genre of music and poetry. I would say that taking a little time to at least neaten up your hair is a good thing to do, but don't spend hours trying to make it look "perfect" because nobody will notice if it's not done just exactly in a certain way.
I hope that this will help, hearing what a guy has to say about makeup and stuff. If you're a guy reading this, the most you will think is, "yea I agree," (at least I hope none of the guys reading this have trouble going out in public without spending an hour or two putting on their makeup!!) but perhaps someday some girl will read this and realize she doesn't have to spend so much time trying to cover her true self up. If such is the case, I would consider the thought and time put into this post a success. Thank-you for reading, and if you need to, go smash a few mirrors if that's what it takes to solve your problem.
God Bless, and have a nice day!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sorry.. no new pictures yet :(

Well, I tried to get some new pictures of Eric, but he's in bed in the dark sleeping.. maybe tomorrow :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sorry- it's not more pictures..

Hey everybody! thanks for the comments! Eric is doing great and not crying much at all :) It's been nice! Thanks for your prayers! I'm getting pretty excited about this saturday!! it's the english country dance for this month!! Many of my viewers don't go to the dances, but you should if you live around here, because they are a lot of fun!!

On march 13th the PRC of Rolla is having their annual banquet. I know, now you're like- yea, so what?? ok, here's the weird part. I had registered to go to it, but then today while I was at work the executive director Joseph Dalton called me up and started by asking if I was planning to sit with anybody. I said I didn't know if there was going to be anybody there I know, so I guessed not. Well, then he asked me if I would mind if he put me up front. I said sure, that would be fine with me. And then.. he asks me if it's fine that I'm sitting there to look like one of the keynote speaker's date!! I was like- uhh... sure I guess. Pretty weird huh?? She broke up with her boyfriend and I guess she didn't want to look like she was alone or something.. it's going to be strange to be looking like I'm this girl Sierra's date and I've never even met until today... oh well, at least it's not really what you'd call a 'date' lol!! I wonder if people will ask me questions about her like they always are about somebody else?? at least this time I have a good answer!!
[Update: I didn't sit in as Sierra's date, because she got her baby's dad (not her ex boyfriend) to come with her instead. I got to sit between Fr. Paul from Ft. Leonard wood, and the local head of the Knights of Colombus. Needless to say, I had some pretty interesting conversation with them, since Fr. Paul is in the Army, and the K of C guy is retired Army with a son and a daughter in the Army, and the guy sitting across from me is an MP soldier down at the fort. So, that turned out nicely :) ]
Anyway.. hope you have a great day! Hello Meagan! Glad you like my song! isn't it cool?? I think I'll put in "we're all in this together" instead.. just kidding :)

Well, that's all I have to say for today! I'll try to get some more pictures of Eric soon if anybody actually wants to see them! Not many people look at my blog though, so maybe it would be just a waste of time.. anyway..

Here are some funny quotes I like:

~Those who aim at nothing will hit it every time~
~Why did the chicken cross the road?~
~Whatever is not nailed down is mine. What I can pry loose is not nailed down~
~Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur (anything said in Latin sounds profound)~

~Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious~



~Where ever you go, there you are~



~Please, Lord, let me prove that winning the lottery won't spoil me~



~Alone, adj : In bad company~



~Shin: a device for finding furniture in the dark~



~I'm not offended by all the dumb blond jokes because I know I'm not dumb . . . and I also know that I'm not blond~

~The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad~
~If high heels were so wonderful, men would be wearing them~
~Cat: The Other White Meat~
~DARE to keep cops off doughnuts~
~Don't play stupid with me... I'm better at it!~
~Ever Stop To Think And Forget To Start Again?~
~I can handle pain until it hurts~
~I Just Got Lost In Thought. It Was Unfamiliar Territory~
~If God intended us to be vegetarians, why did he make animals out of meat?~
~The more I learn, the less I understand~
~Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't~
~Why did you just waste all that precious time reading those stupid jokes?~
~God made you for a reason, and that was not to dedicate your life to annoying me!~
ok- enough of the stupid one-liners right?? ok, that's all I'll put up today :)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

More slightly better pictures..

Well, here are the new pictures! Feel more than free to post comments! My goal in life is to get people to comment on my blog! (ok, well, not really, but still...)
Anyway, He's really cute! I'm the one holding him in all these pictures. It was really hard to take the pictures and hold him at the same time and not make it look bad. Kristin took the one where it shows me holding eric on the couch from farther back. 
Little man Eric

Doesn't he look so peaceful when he's sleeping?? I tried to get a picture of him with open eyes, but he was sleeping too much ;)

What to say? take me out of the picture and it would be ok right?? (this is the one kristin took)
this one is blurry for effect on purpose.. it's not my photography skills lacking ;)
aww... those little socks are so cute! they fit my big toe just about right! lol

Monday, March 3, 2008

I have A new baby Brother!!

I am pleased to announce that at approximately 9:15 pm this evening my new little brother, Eric Charles Beaty was born! He weighs 8 lb. 12 oz. I'm not sure how long he is, but who cares anyway?? I can't get very good pictures right now, but within the next couple days I'll have some up here. For now here are a few. I feel a strange guilt at posting such horrible quality pictures, but In the situation, and with the equipment available, they're the best I can get as of yet.

Eric Charles

A curious 'big' brother!

Wow! I'm sure glad he wasn't looking at me when he made THAT face!! my goodness! lol
He is WAY cuter than he looks there!!

Now will you at least look at my blog??

Ok, so I've spent a couple hours spicing up my blog, hopefully my friends (if you are reading this, you automatically became one of my friends if you were not before..) will actually like this blog. Nobody ever comments, and I'm not sure why, but if you want to post ten comments a day all saying "hi" it won't annoy me! This blog is supposed to be fun, and feel free to use your imagination if you want to comment! :D If you see anything on my blog that you want, just let me know, and I'll help you out with the HTML codes so you don't have to spend hours looking for them like I did. At least mine didn't take as long s Kristin's!! I spent 3 1/2 hours last night working on getting her blog set up. Once you figure out the html codes it's easier, and if you already have a hosting site that you know of that makes it easier too. I hope I'm not sounding like a nerd talking about all this html and source code and all that stuff.. If you'd rather I can start talking in technical photography terms! I love that language! Jpegs megapixels, camera RAW mode, telephoto, light source, angle of attack, saturation... lol ok, I'd better stop now before I scare too many people away from blogs and cameras (two of my favorite things btw..)

well, have a good day, I need to be to class in about an hour, so I'd better get ready to go. (*cough* at least I don't take two hours to get ready to go like *cough* "somebody" I know.. ~no names mentioned for the personal safety of the author~ anyway..)
I'm gonna get myself in trouble if she reads this.. oh well, it'll be worth it to know that at least somebody reads this blog!

Sigh... I wish it were nice outside..

Yesterday the weather was SOO nice!! God gave us the most beautiful weather I could ask for at this time of year. And then today.. my least favorite kind of weather. I guess they say the Lord gives and He takes away. ;) Well, anyway, at least today I have to spend most of the day inside anyway because I have my college class and homework to do, but still I hate this weather :( 

Here's a poem (at least I think it's a poem.. or is it prose?? whatever.. I forget.. here it is)

Today I want to make a difference- I want to change a life- I want to bring one more soul to Christ- I want to open up a closer relationship with God- Today, I said "I'll do it tomorrow" and realized- that's what I said yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. Isn't it time to stop this cycle of "I want to's", and start saying, today I did...??? It's time for action! Let's get moving!! God bless, and make today be yesterday's promised tomorrow.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

That was easy!

Haha! I got home at like 1430!! Normally drill goes from 800 on saturday strait through until 1500 on sunday. And the funny thing is, I got paid the normal drill pay! And I got to do some pretty fun stuff, like take apart and put back together a real m16, and do some formations and stuff.. 

I'm pretty pumped! I made it into the top soldiers on formation skills! They narrow it down to the last four by taking out anybody who messes up, and then the last four don't have to do the "smoke down" or series of push-ups, jumping jacks, and "killer butterflies" it was pretty sweet, although all four of us did the smoke down anyway :) 
So now I'm home, and getting ready to do some electrical work in my parent's bedroom. 

(oops, I realized I used military time up there.. oh well, It makes a whole lot more sense than the 12 hour time system!!) 
Well, thanks for reading this blog- although you're probably not reading it, and if you're here it's only because you accidentally clicked on it, and now you're clicking the back button as fast as you can move your mouse.. oh well, at least I TRY to make a blog that people will actually read.. but nobody does, so.. it's kinda a waste of time.. at least playing gamecube sharpens my reflexes, increases reaction speed, helps my learn patience, gives me better coordination, and teaches me how to drive (ok, so maybe that's not true, but.. It is fun to go 150mph running away from the cops downtown... lol jk)



Army Is the THING man!!

Lol well in about five minutes I'll be leaving for drill. We'll see how it goes I guess!

It was really weird- Last night I was walking through wal-mart wearing my army shirt, and this random high-school or college girl walks past and is like- "Chicka! Army rocks- oh yea!" it was pretty funny :D 
It's interesting to walk through a public place in uniform, some people thank me for my service, and others just gripe about how the war is wrong- as if I had anything to do with deciding whether or not we would be over there. 
Well, I'd better go now; it's bad news to be late in the military!!