Monday, February 11, 2008

My wonderfully plain and boring blog

Well, after rushing to catch up on my homework because I fell asleep yesterday afternoon while I was supposed to be doing it, I found out that my classes for today were cancelled. I've had a nasty cold for quite a while now.. hopefully it'll go away soon! I'm not sure why I waste my time posting on this blog, because nobody wastes their time reading it, but oh well, it's fun, and since I don't have any friends to email with, I can talk about what I've been up to on here! lol

Anyway, if (by some strange extraterrestrial ubermega-unheard of possibility) you happen to be reading this, then have an awesome day! And uhh, thanks for reading, it makes me feel like a professional moron! by the way, please leave a comment as you rush to hit the back button on your browser, I know, it'll mean a few more seconds of seeing my boring posts, but I like to get comments :) (oh, and for you democrats, to post a comment, click the little link that probably still says 0 comments)
oh, and one last thing before you leave my blog- this is very important. You have to do this just as I say, read the following instructions:
DO NOT under any circumstances shoot yourself in the head after reading this! I would hate to clean up the mess!
