Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Graduation picture.. jk

haha.. this is me.. president of the geek club!

More editing fun :)

The Finish Product :)

The previous post has the original picture, then this was the next layer..


Tess and Chelsea being sad because I'm leaving in one week :(

Tess and Chelsea being sad again, because not only am I leaving really soon, but Chelsea is leaving tomorrow :(
I was sure I was going to miss Megan doing this, but I didn't :D

Ashley, Mrs. Reifer, and Some other person who was there :)

Little sister Maggie!!! hehe we decided that since the Hamachers are my little siblings, that makes Chelsea my cousin :) so now I have another cool cousin to add to my collection :)
Three little girls :p

I actually got Jenny to pose for me!! :)

So, even though we didn't win, and this was the last game of the season, I had a fun time :)