Friday, March 13, 2009

New blog look

So I changed the background on my blog.. how do you like it? I had to do some rooting around with HTML code and stuff.. but hopefully everything still works.. for some reason it was saying I have no followers, so if that stays you can just re-follow my blog ;P Anyway, God Bless you whoever you are!! :)


Matt Skywalker said...

aha! fixed it.. bit of broken code that had to be regenerated :) so now all my followers are back :)

Alyssa Jean said...

There's Grace's blog. Idk know why you weren't able to get on her thing... maybe I'll have to help you fix it ;P LOL!

Wish I could be with you guys today... :( I'm having a BLAST sitting here all alone in my room doing more algebra... :P You're SO lucky today!!

ttyl! me :)

Matt Skywalker said...

so it's not that I don't know her blog addy. it's that I'm no longer invited to view her blog with my account. Go check the permissions section of preferences on there..
Haha hope you liked your algebra.. we had fun doing our traditional 4.5 mile hike that we used to call the 6 mile hike.. hehe.. and Rachel Cohen came over and we laughed all afternoon about all kinds of stuff.. and yea we missed you there a lot.. :( oh well..

Anonymous said...

Hey like ur new background!! Its easier to read all the stuff! God bless u2!! Night Rider