Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mark's Graduation Party

Yesterday (saturday the 28th) was Mark Hickle's graduation party. There were a lot of people there that I had not seen for a long time :) I had Meagan Reifer take a bunch of pictures with my camera :) thanks Meg! you got quite a few good ones! 
Here are a few of them..
Ok, This is a really interesting game calle "Buck-buck" where basically you try ot get a whole bunch of guys piled on top of some other guys.. it sounds weird but actually it was quite fun. :)
My darling little sister :)
Me being weird as usual.. but at least I'm not ever boring.. lol
I'm not sure what I was laughing about.. 
Umm... feet... yeah... I'm not sure, but it looks like a Joy or Anna Nisbett, and one of the Nail girl's feet.. lol interesting picture.. haha