Saturday, January 31, 2009
one more month of training! 31 days until I come home! I'm very
happy :) it's been that long since my Christmas break! And that went
by pretty quickly :)
Well, God bless!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 08:08 5 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Me being me!
really help it though.. with all the seriousness of my fast track to
the full-blown adult world sometimes I need to just act like a kid and
do goofy things without caring what people think :) I will never be a
boring grown up.. I'm too outgoing and crazy to ever do that! On the
other hand, I'm not the stupid teen I was a year ago.. Anyway, a cold
front came through here today, it was 45 this afternoon and now it's
like 35!! If it's below 30 everything all around closes down! Even on
post! So I might get a day off tomorrow, but I'm not sure. Anyway,
here's the pix of me, hope you like it... ;p God bless you! ~me
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 22:29 0 comments
Me :)
be doing massive rapid trauma assessments again today, which is really
fun! Unfortunately I still haven't been cleared to get a camera in
there so I'll not have any pix, but basically it's just a bunch of
different dummies that they have fake blood and wounds that we have to
treat in a set amount of time while an instructor yells at us to hurry
up.. LOL
Anyway, that's what I'm up to.
So, here's a picture of my new haircut.. I really liked how it turned
out, so this is how I think I'll keep it ;) I'll try to get some more
pix up later, but now I need to head down to formation for pt.. So, bye!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 04:34 7 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Life, love, and the persuit of happyness.. (ok, so I didn't make it up, but it sounded cool..;p)
Well, thought I'd give everybody an update on me! :) I've been pretty busy this week, so that's why I haven't posted much. I've had two social outings in the past week, which is cool, since I haven't been able to go anywhere up till now unless I wanted to go by myself.. last weekend I went to a little cook-out party at the park here (which is pretty nice btw.. I'll have to take a few pix sometime, but it would be better in springtime) and then last night I went to a restaurant called Chili's with some people. Anyway, I'm officially done with all my death by powerpoint training, and now it's on to hands-on stuff.. YES!! I'm happy about that..
I'm doing pretty good overall, I'm kinda sick with a head/chest cold virus that's going around our company right now, but I'm surviving :) I'm still struggling with being unpopular, and boredom and stuff.. and still occasionally battling off the weirdos who think that just because I don't spend my weekends at the strip club or surfing porn online I must be gay.. it's really annoying..
I've spent a lot of time praying and asking God about what I need to be doing with my future.. right now I *really* want to get married and have a family of my own, but there are a lot of things to be done before I'm ready for that! I'm thinking about going through the Army MD course which would take about 3 years and I would be a doctor as well as an officer which is much better pay than I would have as enlisted in three years. I'm also strongly considering deployment in the next 12 months sometime, I think now is as good a time as any, and that way I can make some extra money while I'm deployed to get me through the next few years.. I've heard of people coming back from the middle east with as much as $50,000 in their bank accounts. Talk about a jump start! Also, if I get deployed now instead of like 3 years from now then I will probably only get deployed once or twice more while I'm in the service, and that would probably be after I become a doctor if that's what I decide to do. On the other hand I could just go with the civilian doctor program and let the Army help me pay for it, but that would take about 6 years if I'm remembering correctly.. Sometimes I feel like Charlie brown ("everything I touch get's ruined..") so I'm not sure what to try, but at any rate I'd appreciate your prayers! I want to make sure I don't put my desires in front of what is best for everybody else, yet at the same time I want to make sure that God's will is done in whatever I do. Anything I do now will have affects long into the future, and I want to make sure I choose the right future now, before I mess something up along the way.
Anyway, all that jumbling ramble to say, I'm open to advice, but most of all prayer. Maybe I'm just getting tunnel vision, but it seems like I'm lost and alone and every path seems full of holes and I don't know what to do.. even choices I have every day are becoming more and more difficult.. Sometimes it seems like everything is clear and simple, and the next minute it all collapses and I'm back at block one, wondering what to do next. LOL I'd better shut up or nobody will read this post!!! ;P
I have 38 days until I'll be home, and hopefully those will zip by quickly!
I'll really be on my own around the beginning of May when I officially will be on my own dime. Hope my family has fun in Georgia and wherever else they roam!! :) I'm probably going to be living in the basement apartment for a few months, but by the end of this year I'm probably going to be either in civilian college, army med school, or deployed overseas in a combat zone :) The last is for sure the easiest, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to say goodbye to everything I know for 12-18 months..Well, until next time, God's blessings upon you as you read this, and into the days and months ahead! I'm praying for you!!
Matthew- the unwilling adult ;) being a kid was so much easier.... ;p
An LOL moment from the archives of Matthew Beaty:
~thou shalt not weigh more than thy refridgerator
~The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.
~I can resist everything except temptation.
~Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.
~Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
~Laugh and the whole world laughs with you.............. cry and you have to blow your nose.
~Children should be seen and not ..................spanked or grounded.
~A penny saved is...................... not much.
*prepares to be shot by the females reading this one..*
Yesterday scientists revealed that beer contains small traces of female hormones. To prove their theory, the scientists fed 100 men 12 pints of beer and observed that 100% of them gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became emotional, and couldn't drive. -- No further testing is planned.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a good laugh every day puts him in the poorhouse!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 15:42 7 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
My other picture
back, staunchly refusing to carry a navy bag, rigidly standing at
"attention" LOL what a nerd..
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 21:08 0 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
LOL what a square kid I was!
years ago.. Notice the marine patrol cap and attempt at standing at
rigid attention.. LOL! This was at an airshow that we went to with the
D's and I was all über-excited.. Back then I was positive that I was
headed for the marine corps ;) anyway, there's one more that I'll post
in a bit.
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 18:00 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Old picture :)
ago.. I was one of the ring-bearers :) don't I look like a little
skater punk? LOL or something.. Anyway, thought some of you might like
to see this ;)
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 21:36 2 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
lately with my life... I feel alone in this world, lost in a sea of
faces as kutless puts it.. I know I'll never fit in with the crowd
down here, but I am the kind of
Person that needs at least some popularity... There are plenty of
girls who give me attention, but that's not what Im looking for.. LOL
Anyway, I seriously wonder many times if there is anybody out there
who even cares.. Well, honestly I shouldn't need people to care to
feel like I'm worth something.. But for some reason I starve for human
attention. Oh well, I guess I'll live! ;p anyway.. I'll stop whining
now :) tomorrow is a holiday so I don't have any class to go to :)
that's nice for me, although with no real friends days are kinda
boring here.. Well, I'm probably sounding
Really weird, but I'm just really tired and sick.. My head is hurting
pretty bad so I can't think clearly..
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 22:27 0 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Pictures and randomness as usual
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 16:34 3 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
One year!
Well, a year ago today a nervous 17 year-old boy signed his name on the dotted line and became a soldier.. Well, not a soldier yet, but well on the way. Then, after 6 months of rigorous army training, he's here writing his story out as we speak :) LOL yea so I've been in for years,,,so :p
So obviously I have had some fun times.. You guess what happened and I'll tell if your true or false.
A very tired matthew..
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 18:33 2 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Pictures and stuff.. since I haven't updated lately
hehe mohawkishness... :P it's like the only thing I can actually get my stupid hair to do..
Well anyway, I'm out of new pictures.. they said we could bring cameras to class, but then the next day they changed their minds :'( so now I cant show you pictures of what I do :( oh well.. anyway I haven't really eaten anything yet today, and it's 15:00 (3:00 for you analog clock people) so I'm pretty hungry, so i'm going to head over to Robin Hood and grab a sub, and maybe over to cinnabon to get one of their amazing cinnabons and an iced mocha latte espresso :) so God Bless you, have a great day, and ttyl!!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 14:27 0 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
"Without suffering, there can be no compassion"
Well, I'll shoot straight, there have been times in my life where I've been upset with God, asking why life has to be so full of hadships and trials. Sometimes I've wondered why God has to let life be so hard. Then I realize that some of life's hardships are brought upon myself by my own actions. To be upset with God isn't fair in those situations, but what about the times when I'm just the innocent bystander and my life seems to just fall apart all around me? What about those times? Many people say there can't be a God in heaven with all the suffering in the world. Well I disagree. I have found that when life's road gets the toughest, that's when I find myself closest to God. Like the title says, how could we ever give or recieve compassion if we didn't have suffering? After all, it was through the worst possible torment that Jesus showed the whole world how much he cares for us? He offered those sufferings up to God in atonement for the salvation of someone like me? I mean, why would He do that if He didn't have a purpose for me that's higher than the normal falling down and giving up when life gets hard? I think I've found that by showing compassion to others my pain is put at ease and life isn't so hard anymore. One of the lines that hit me the most out of a movie many of you have probably seen called "a walk to remember" when Jamie says "without suffering there'd be no compassion" Landon replies, "yea, well tell that to the people who suffer." well, I realized that when I've suffered in one way or another, I can have compassion for overs going over similar hardships. God really does have a reason for giving us the gift of suffering. Maybe it's time we realize it's there to make us better, stronger people in the end. True, others take suffering much better than I, but I use them as inspiration to also accept the hard parts in life the way I should. I'd love to keep weaving this analogy further, but considering that I have less than 4 hours until it's time to get up again, I should probably try to utilize as much of that time actually sleeping as possible :) God bless you, and hopefully next time you experience a hardship you will remember that until passed through flames most metal is comepletely worthless. Hopefully we can be like lead that only takes a little bit of heat to go the right way instead of taking years of running from the hardships and not letting God use them in our lives.hopefully this makes sense even though I haven't slept in over 20 hours... :) later! Matt
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 00:06 5 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
My snail mail ;)
Alrighty google bloggers and other readers.. I think I set it so this forwards to my facebbok too... You obviously have Internet, so there's not much need, but if anybody wants my address here it is:
PFC Beaty, Matthew S.
B Co. 232nd Med. Bn.
2950 Koehler Rd.
Platoon 1
STE 1350
Fort Sam Houston,TX 78234
Hope you are doing great!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 21:55 3 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Movies, fingernails, and classrooms.
Well, I just finished watching a movie, and "somebody" will be glad to know I loved it. By the end of the movie my fingernails were gone, and if I hadn't been in an army bay I'd have been jumping up and down yelling:p ok, I admit, most wouldn't guess it, but I've got a bit of the hopeless romantic in me.. maybe from my mom, but anyway if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm talking about the movie "August Rush" few movies are as soul-grabbing as it was. I generally am more attracted to fast-paced action movies, but every now and then a movie grabs me by the heart and takes me for a ride. This was one of those :) so anyway, I'm doing good down here, tomorrow it's back to the grindstone going to class.. The temps dropped a lot today, the last two days have been around 80!! But hopefully it won't be cold tomorrow!
Another fun movie you might like to see is Kung Fu panda. It was cute and really funny. A little dumb at times, but generally pretty humorous :D well, I'd better get to bed, so ttyl! God bless you and protect you, and have a blessed year to come!
Your brother in Christ, matthew
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 21:55 9 comments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Well, since I'm living in a place filled with as much filth as there is
going on every day around me I have a lot of opportunity to deal with
temptation. I decided to look up the major verses on dealing with
temptation in the Bible, and share my thoughts on dealing with
Matthew 25:41
Watch and pray, that ye not enter into temptation: the spirit indeed
is willing but the flesh is weak.
1 Corinthians 10:13
There hath no temptation taken thee but such as man can bear. But God
is faithful, who will not suffer ye to be tempted beyond that ye are
able; but will with the temptation make also the way of escape, that
you may be able to endure it.
James 1:12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he
hath been approved, he shall recieve the crown of life, which the Lord
promised to them that love Him.
Based on these verses, I think of three ways to deal with teptation.
Only one will pan out in the long run though. First, there are those
who put themselves in dangerous situations intentionally to 'harden'
themselves to temptation. Sorry, but looking at dirty magazines to
strengthen yourself is just lying to yourself and you're giving into
your selfish desires. Second, there are those who try to blanket off
any opportunity of temptation. The problem with this is, eventually
you will be tempted, but you won't know how to resist temptation. God
can use temptation as a way to "test us by fire" so to speak. Then
thirdly, the best way to deal with temptation. Look at temptation as a
necessary evil, one that can't always be avoided, but not something we
should be looking for. Look at yourself and question- am I really
strong enough to be in this situation without giving in to the fleshly
desire to sin? If yes, proceed with caution and don't give in, because
that is not the most effective resistance training. If no, you need to
do some prayer and work on standing up to the little temptations
without giving in. There are many times whee a perfectly fine thing to
be doing can evolve into a mirey pit of sin if you can't resist the
temptation to begin with. All to many times I've found myself in the
first group and ended up further away from a true faith-based ability
to defeat sin than people from the second group.(no, I've never looked
at dirty magazines, I'm just using that as an example) The key is
listening to the Holy Spirit through your concience and knowing when
you're in too deep and back out of a situation that you may fail in.
Basically, defeating the flesh does not mean fleeing temptation, it
means fleeing from sin. Be bold and courageous when facing temptation,
and remember that if you keep your eyes on God, He won't let you fall
into sin. However, we have the choice to ignore God's escape path and
plunge ourselves in too deep and end up sinning. Hope that makes
sense! Please keep me in your prayers as every day I'm met with the
opportunity to fight, or to flee, and pray I'll have wisdom to know
which to do in those situations.
God bless!
Your friend, matthew.
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 23:24 5 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
Tess has a gun!!
LOL tess wanted me to do a fun pix of her, so I did some editing on this pix I had of her.. :)
If you'd like one done, I have plenty of time to do fun stuff to pix of you, just let me know!!
I'm kinda practicing for when I'm in college and I'm doing photography on the side for extra cash :)
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 20:51 2 comments
back to work
Well, I'm back in Texas now, and thought I'd let anybody who was wondering know that I made it :)
I had a great time at home, wish I had had more time to hang out with everybody, but I have a job to do, so here I am.
Thank you everybody that let me chill out with you and stuff like that.. I'd better go start putting all my stuff back away and such. So ttfn!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 12:49 2 comments
Partayy! ;P
This is a kinda boring video from a not so boring party.. I was just goofing around and seeing where the dirt specks were on my lens.. but make sure to look close at David's face toward the end of the video.. I watched it like 10 times after seeing that :) it's awesome :)
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 06:50 0 comments
The little girls dancing
I thought that the little girls looked really cute dancing by themselves :)
I sat out on quite a few dances to just watch people :)
Anyway, I'm at the airport now waiting for my flight that doesn't leave until 8:10, so I have about an hour of down time here.
I'm glad that I've only got two more months until my training is over :) :)
but for now I'm still headed back to "prison" for a while... and that's not so cool.. haha well, I'm going to try to upload a few more videos now, so ttfn!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 06:44 0 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
This was REALLY funny and fun to do.. you should try it!! It's from facebook but I had to bring it over here to my blog for the fun of it :) Just follow the simple instructions and hope you have lots of music!!
I. Put your iTunes or other music player on shuffle.
II. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
IV. Put your own comment after song.
V. Tag 11 friends who might enjoy doing this (including me!).
1. If someone says "Is this okay?" you say: Looking for Angels (Skillet)
Hmm... Remember that we have Angels looking over us, and Jesus is looking too...
2.What would best describe your personality: Beatbox Live (Matisyahu)
umm.. I like to beatbox??
3. What do you like in a girl/guy: Second Heartbeat (Avenged Sevenfold)
If she only had one heartbeat she'd die! But I guess I'd say I want my wife to be like a second heartbeat to me.. or two hearts beating as one.. or anyway, not sure how to make that one work.. :)
4.How do you feel today: Keep Your Hands off my Girl (Good Charlotte)
Wow.. nice.. umm.. I guess that works pretty good.. I'm not sure how I really feel today.. ;P
5. What is your life's purpose: Vapor (Skillet)
Talks about how without God in our life we just drift around and evaporate like a vapor.
6. What is your backup plan?: Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over (Devil Wears Prada)
Kinda random name, but by the lyrics, "We're too strong to compromise don't be ashamed of your faith" Rely on my faith and trust in God to get me through.
7. What do your friends think of you: Catchafire-whoopsi-daisy (Tobymac)
I guess they think I'm hot or something.. or not.. :p
8. What do you think of your parents:A Fault Line, A fault of Mine (Underoath)
Wow.. yea so honestly that's awesome.. cuz we kinda moved apart in our relationship a little bit and it was my fault.. so yea pretty appropriate..
9. What do you think about very often: Hey Now (tobymac)
I think about the present a lot... well actually I think for the future, but oh well it sounded cool..
10. What is 2 + 2: We Cry Holy
God+Us=the need for us to worship.. it's like putting 2 and 2 together.
11. What do you think of your best friend: Blessed be your name (Tree63)
Haha that's awesome!
12. What do you think of the person you like?: Boxing Day (Relient K)
Hmm... well I don't like fighting, but this is about the day after Christmas, so not much relevance I guess... hehe
13. What is your favorite color?: I Love the 80's [pink tux to the prom] (Relient K)
Ugg.. no, I don't think pink is that cool... but I do like blue and green.
14. What are your thoughts on LOVE?: Be My Escape (Relient K)
The person you love should be there to help you out of the rut you fall into by mistake, and of course God is always there waiting
15. What is one true thing about you?: Praise you with the Dance (Casting Crowns)
I like to dance.. it's a way to express praise to God.. moshing counts right??
16. What do your parents think of you?: Rockin' Into the Night (38 Special)
Well, I do kinda tend to listen to loud music at crazy times of the night and they are always having to tell my to turn it down.. haha
17. What will you dance to at your wedding?: Bless the Broken Road (Selah)
Hopefully I won't have a trail of broken relationships before my wedding, but other things in life can make the road rough.. so I guess God will bless the road ahead of my wedding.
18. What will they play at your funeral?: Heaven (Warrent)
Seriously I did NOT purposely pick this one... But that's cool :) I am plannin on going to heaven when I die, so :)
19. What is your hobby/interest?: Benediction (Relient K)
Haha a benediction is a blessing, so I guess I'm a blessing to people's lives.. at least that's what I try to be!!
20. What is your biggest secret?: Livin' on a Prayer (Stellar Kart)
Well, I don't try to keep it secret, but lots of times I don't know how I'm going to make it another day, and I live one prayer at a time.. i
21. What do you think of your friends?: Crazy (Simple Plan)
Well, I like to hang with crazy people, and I've got a lot of crazy friends.. but the song talks about the way society is falling apart around us.. the way money is our first priority, everybody wants to be like the "cool" kids, and families are falling apart. Hopefully my friends all see the same and want to help be a solution in whatever ways we can.
22. What's the worst thing that could happen?: Chap Stick, Chapped Lips, and Things like Chemistry (Relient K)
Well in the music video a ton of old people in a nursing home start moshing.. and they throw the band's music instruments all over and the band has to run away to avoid getting overwhelmed by the crowd.. but that wouldn't be all bad.. haha
23. How will you die?: Cherish (Newsong)
Cherishing the thought of Jesus waiting for me
24. Does anyone like you?: Live Free or Let me Die (Skillet)
Well, that doesn't make sense.. I hope people like me though.. I'll never really be popular though.. idk why, but.. maybe I'm too annoying :p
25. If you could go back in time, what would you change?: Glory Defined (Building 429)
I'd wake up to find God's glory defined in my life everyday.
26. What hurts right now?: The Created Void (Underoath)
The hole in my heart from seeing so much suffering in the world, the emptiness and dirtyness of our society, and broken relationships everywhere I look all because people threw out Jesus.
27. What rule do you always follow?: I Wanna Live (Stellar Kart)
I want to live life to the fullest and make the most of every day.. and staying alive is a plus.. :)
28. What have teachers always thought of you?: In Memory (Haste the Day)
They remember me I guess.
29. What's something you do everyday?: Brother John (Thousand Foot Krutch)
I don't have a brother named john.. I don't even know anybody named john really... oh well.. good song anyway
30. What will you post this as?: Gibberish (Relient K)
Okay, all done, your turn now!
Oh, wait...
How will you say goodbye?: Don't Say Goodbye (Skillet)
Wow.. umm.. ok, yea so I guess that pretty much answered that one!!! I do stink at saying goodbye though!! just ask any of my friends!!! haha I'll talk and hang out forever!!!! ;P
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 23:01 0 comments
New Year's Eve Party
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 12:32 0 comments