Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pictures and randomness as usual

Well, this week has been really busy, and really slow for me, but it's finally the weekend! :) Here are a few pictures, mostly old ones that I edited over this week while I was bored, but a few new ones too :) Well, I've been learning some more fun stuff in class, but every week I feel more and more alone in this place.. I've started to get invited to go do stuff with people every now and then, but I always have to come up with some excuse why I can't make it, because I'm not exactly looking to go to drunken wild parties... I get enough of them in the bay to satisfy me! lol ;P but I'm the kind of person that needs lots of human interaction, and here I always feel left out.. either I'm not interested in what they're doing, or they form cliques and don't invite me, or I'm honestly too busy with other responsibilities.. I'm glad I have my bible and cell phone, because without them I would go crazy!! Anyway, hope you enjoy the pictures! I'm looking forward to march 3.. 44 days :) well anyway, I'll stop talking now, and get the pix up :)

Sweet cast huh?? Army Style and everything!! Won't get in any fights like this!

Earlier this week there was a really beautiful sunrise :) I love my camera because it actually captured it how it looked!! :) I thank God for this kind of beauty even though all around me it's so bleak and crowded :) I love to pray for my friends while I watch sunrises and sunsets.. wondering if they're watching the sunrise too :) Same with the moon and stars.. although I don't get to see stars much because of San Antonio's lights..

The sunrise a little bit earlier before it was so pretty :)

Well, the next few pictures are already on here, but I was bored and did a little bit of editing with three different programs I have on my laptop :)

hehe creepy huh?

David playing guitar

She looks grumpy, but she wasn't ;p


Kristin said...

Hey Matthew :)
lol i love the cast!! :) shoulda seen mama when she saw it :D lol sry for the shortcuts on words, and improper grammar, i am holding eric and so i can only type with one hand :P anyways ttfn :)

Melody Jo said...

Haha! I guess I should check my comments more often! I hadn't checked my comments since the new year. Glad you enjoy my blog, I enjoy yours. Of my friends in the military, none of them blog. I feel a huge disturbance in the force when they don't tell people how they're doing. So what's the deal with the cast? Someone in class practicing on you?

Matt Skywalker said...

Haha the cast I did on myself.. Just for fun to see who was gullible enough to fall for it.. Apparently my mother was the only one fooled... Yea if I didn't keep up with all my normal friends I'd go insane!! I don't fit in with these people...
LOL I check blogs every day, or at least every two or three days :)