Well, on saturday I took our brush-hog over to my papa's house and we welded it back since it broke over at the Riefers. While I was there, I also borrowed his atv that he lets me use. It was like 4:15 when I left there, and I had to be to rolla by 5:00, so I hurried home, took a quick shower because I was really dirty, then headed off to town. Got there at 4:57.. good timing eh?? lol
Yesterday afternoon I took "the beast" out and had fun! here's some pix.. sorry they're not the best ones ever.. all my good jumps got missed.
This is a pretty decent jump shot.. ususally I went higher, but we never had the camera ready then.. I had to sort through like a hundred pix to find these ;) it's kinda hard to catch something going 40+ mph.. lol

sorry these videos are not very good... but they're all I have right now..