Hey everybody! thanks for the comments! Eric is doing great and not crying much at all :) It's been nice! Thanks for your prayers! I'm getting pretty excited about this saturday!! it's the english country dance for this month!! Many of my viewers don't go to the dances, but you should if you live around here, because they are a lot of fun!!
On march 13th the PRC of Rolla is having their annual banquet. I know, now you're like- yea, so what?? ok, here's the weird part. I had registered to go to it, but then today while I was at work the executive director Joseph Dalton called me up and started by asking if I was planning to sit with anybody. I said I didn't know if there was going to be anybody there I know, so I guessed not. Well, then he asked me if I would mind if he put me up front. I said sure, that would be fine with me. And then.. he asks me if it's fine that I'm sitting there to look like one of the keynote speaker's date!! I was like- uhh... sure I guess. Pretty weird huh?? She broke up with her boyfriend and I guess she didn't want to look like she was alone or something.. it's going to be strange to be looking like I'm this girl Sierra's date and I've never even met until today... oh well, at least it's not really what you'd call a 'date' lol!! I wonder if people will ask me questions about her like they always are about somebody else?? at least this time I have a good answer!!
[Update: I didn't sit in as Sierra's date, because she got her baby's dad (not her ex boyfriend) to come with her instead. I got to sit between Fr. Paul from Ft. Leonard wood, and the local head of the Knights of Colombus. Needless to say, I had some pretty interesting conversation with them, since Fr. Paul is in the Army, and the K of C guy is retired Army with a son and a daughter in the Army, and the guy sitting across from me is an MP soldier down at the fort. So, that turned out nicely :) ]
Anyway.. hope you have a great day! Hello Meagan! Glad you like my song! isn't it cool?? I think I'll put in "we're all in this together" instead.. just kidding :)
Well, that's all I have to say for today! I'll try to get some more pictures of Eric soon if anybody actually wants to see them! Not many people look at my blog though, so maybe it would be just a waste of time.. anyway..
Here are some funny quotes I like:
~Those who aim at nothing will hit it every time~
~Why did the chicken cross the road?~
~Whatever is not nailed down is mine. What I can pry loose is not nailed down~
~Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur (anything said in Latin sounds profound)~
~Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious~
~Where ever you go, there you are~
~Please, Lord, let me prove that winning the lottery won't spoil me~
~Alone, adj : In bad company~
~Shin: a device for finding furniture in the dark~
~I'm not offended by all the dumb blond jokes because I know I'm not dumb . . . and I also know that I'm not blond~
~The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad~
~If high heels were so wonderful, men would be wearing them~
~Cat: The Other White Meat~
~DARE to keep cops off doughnuts~
~Don't play stupid with me... I'm better at it!~
~Ever Stop To Think And Forget To Start Again?~
~I can handle pain until it hurts~
~I Just Got Lost In Thought. It Was Unfamiliar Territory~
~If God intended us to be vegetarians, why did he make animals out of meat?~
~The more I learn, the less I understand~
~Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't~
~Why did you just waste all that precious time reading those stupid jokes?~
~God made you for a reason, and that was not to dedicate your life to annoying me!~
ok- enough of the stupid one-liners right?? ok, that's all I'll put up today :)