I decided to take some pictures of myself while I'm sitting here at the PX (the Post Exchange, it's like walmart on streoids) posting on my blog :)
hehe mohawkishness... :P it's like the only thing I can actually get my stupid hair to do..

Oh, hi!!

another mac guy!! lol ;P Macs are the best

I'm sitting in this comfy chair over in the little book area where they have free wi-fi

The Post Chapel, you can see the lovely Texas "winter" making itself obvious.. haha.. I just took this picture on my way over here to the PX :)

Me so gangsta.. not.. lol I'm WAY better at staying serious for goofy pictures now than I used to be!! :p

Oh say can you see, by the coffeeshop light, what so gladly we hail, every morning and evening? The starbucks coffee, it is so good for me, and the class's dead air, the textbooks everywhere, give proof through the day, that I cannot stay awake, so I grab some caffeine, now I am a machine, I stay awake until classes are over.. lol (like my anthem to starbucks?? actually this was back from new year's on my way home from Hamacher's house, but I still like starbucks ;P lol)

Isn't the view from my bed depressing?? I much prefer the pond and woods I'm used to looking at :)

By the way, that's a bandage from my aid bag, also known as a cravat.. I had some fun with it ;)

Ok, so this one wouldn't make sense, but I'll explain ;) So there was some soap stain stuff in the shower that the Sergeant said had to be gone.. even though it's probably been there for like 10 years.. well, after trying like 5 different chemicals it wouldn't come off.. so somebody decided to use this toilet bowl cleaner stuff we have, which is basically battery acid. Well, apparently it reacted with the other chimicals and made a really nasty smelling gas in the showers.. plus if you get it on your hands it burns like battery acid.. so we got medical gloves from our aid bags, dampened some cravats to make emergency masks, and glasses to keep it out of the eyes, and went to work trying to scub the stuff off... well, it ended up still not working completely, but it did help some.. anyway I thought I'd show you a picture of how funny I looked :)
Well anyway, I'm out of new pictures.. they said we could bring cameras to class, but then the next day they changed their minds :'( so now I cant show you pictures of what I do :( oh well.. anyway I haven't really eaten anything yet today, and it's 15:00 (3:00 for you analog clock people) so I'm pretty hungry, so i'm going to head over to Robin Hood and grab a sub, and maybe over to cinnabon to get one of their amazing cinnabons and an iced mocha latte espresso :) so God Bless you, have a great day, and ttyl!!