The Capital at like one minute before this year.

I soo wish this wasn't blurry :(

Ellen, Tess, and Lizzy


Tess is starting to look all grown up and stuff.. it's not fair!!

August was being weird here... not quite sure what he's doing..

I was trying to get a goofy picture of Kurt to put on facebook, but this will have to do.. cuz I didn't get any silly ones.

My iPhone was REALLY popular!! Tess used it a bunch on the way to Jeff to talk to Megan, and for a while there with somebody, and on the way home, and Jacob used it for most of the rest of the time.. hehe

I think this was a waltz

Ellen and Tess doing the pretzel

More of the same

We were singing christmas Carols and stuff :)

Well, we had fun, although there weren't many people there.. we did a lot of the normal dances like physical snob, hole in the wall, progressive gordon's, and all those, as well as a couple new ones that were pretty easy but tons of fun, and of course the Scottish and Virginia reel :) But yea, it was pretty epic to go scream outside at midnight right across the street from the state capital :) It was pretty cold though! :P well, I'm going back to Texas really early tomorrow morning, so I'd better skitter off and start packing all my stuff up and getting ready! bye!
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