Hope you enjoyed your mini-tour of my little excursion into the amazing city of San Antonio!!
More to come eventually!
You know you're in love when you don't wanna go to sleep at night because your life is better than a dream
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 22:40 6 comments
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 22:16 2 comments
Hi everybody, hope you're doing well, not too much new with me, unless pillow fights and artwork count...
Well, I've been keeping busy lately, class is getting more and more challenging, but I'm still surviving.. it takes a lot of caffeine to keep me awake in class though!!! here's a picture that's going to freak some peeps out.. oh well.. Well, a lot of people will ask questions.. and I'm just going to let you come to your own conclusions.. sorry.. ;P I'm mean like that..
this is how we have fun in the Army.. or something like that.. haha!! it's even more fun when half the participants are drunk.. haha.. anyway......... :p
I'm going to go play mario kart while I wait for this huge video to upload.. it's taking forever.. ok, it's done now, so here comes my post!! :)
Matthew the weird ;P
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 19:28 8 comments
Hey everybody, sorry I haven't posted recently, but the bluetooth modem on my razr is going out, so my internet is kinda spotty at times.. I'll get more pix soon, I have a ton already, but it takes too long to upload them all.. and not all of them are interesting or good, so I have to find time to sort through them, which is not to often.. lol anyway, I took my mod 5 test today, which marks almost 3/4 of the way to my EMT license. I'm kinda bummed because my class average so far is only 87%, which is better than a lot of people, but I'm not used to having such low grades!!! It's a really challenging course though.. Of course, after I get it I have to do 3 or 4 more months of combat medic training, but.. lol :P anyway it's only one month from tomorrow until I come home for Christmas leave! so that's cool too :)
anyway, here's my pix!!Here I was kinda bored so I decided to take pix of some people playing a netless version of volleyball :)
The mini mall/shoppette.. it's not very big, but it's got gas station style food items, writing/class materials, and some clothes.. most of what we need. the real PX is awesome! It's like 2 times the size of wal-mart, plus a little strip mall out front, and there's no tax! unfortunately there's not any groceries to speak of at either stores, but then, they feed us, so we don't have to get our own food.. and there's several restaurants at each of them, so...
Haha of course they've got this.. :P
My pizza from supper the other night.. yummy!!
Ok, so this is just me trying out my camera, this is the REALLY fine kind of carpet like they have at stores, and it still got right up close and made it look huge!! this picture would not have even shown a whole penny, that's how small it is for real :)
Here's some of my friends. We all are still phase 4 so we can't go off post because either they didn't pass their tests, or like me, they weren't able to complete the pt test in time to phase.. I get to take it on the 25th, so it's not too bad.. only difference is that on the weekends they get to go off post and wear civilian clothes all day, so..
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 19:44 2 comments
Here's a few pix.. I've gotta get a real camera.. the camera on my cell phone does not do good in the kind of lighting we've got here.. besides the lens is scratched, so it's hard to get clear pix.. anyway, here's some sorta kinda pix ;)
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 10:23 6 comments
Hi guys.. Sorry I have not been able to update my blog, but my training has kept me very busy, and I can't really get online much.. When I get my iphone in a couple weeks or so I will be able to get on a lot more, but until then I'm pretty much limited to cell phone.. I don't really have any pix to share yet.. my camera is still at home and I'm waiting for it to get mailed to me.. but eventually I'll get to work on that too :) The course here is pretty tough, but fun and challenging at the same time :) IN a few weeks I'll have finished my National Registry Emergency Medical Technician Basic level course (EMT-B) and then I'll be moving on to the combat side.. giving care under fire.. advanced life support.. all that fun stuff that the legal system won't let me do in the civilian world.. I've already successfully given an IV, but it would take nearly a year of extra school to be "certified" to do an IV on a patient in the civilian world.. it's kinda stupid, but whatever.. if somebody really needed one in a life-threatening situation I would probably break the rules rather than watch them die like technically I should, but.. anyway.. I'm learning a LOT here!! I just passed my test on patient assessment/diagnostics but that's only the intro to those subjects, and I thought it was going to drown me in information!!! LOL anyway.. If I were a bit more intelligent it would be nice.. but anyway... We'll see how the rest goes..
I'm looking forward to coming home for Christmas! I'm a lot more grown-up than when I left, but otherwise I'll be the same for anyone who wonders.. and yes, I will still do stuff like ply tag with the kids and stuff.. it's just that I've learned that I don't know everything, and how to be more disciplined and stuff like that.. otherwise I'm still the same goofy me that I used to be :p me all "grown-up" would be like Tigger with no bouncing!! so nope, I'm not boringified ;) lol but anyway, I'd better get to bed! Wake-up at 4:15.. and that's sleeping in too!! :) so God-bless! and I'll be back hopefully soon whenever I get my iphone or next time I get the chance to get on otherwise ;)
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 22:41 4 comments