Here's a few pix.. I've gotta get a real camera.. the camera on my cell phone does not do good in the kind of lighting we've got here.. besides the lens is scratched, so it's hard to get clear pix.. anyway, here's some sorta kinda pix ;)

Anyway, I'm doing pretty good, I got a data plan for my cell phone, so now I can get online anywhere, it's sorta slow, but you can't really tell unless you're uploading pictures or things like that.. I'm in the middle of my 4th mod of the course to get my EMT-B license. It's supposed to be one of the hardest parts.. I just want to get done with this part and get on to the combat half of training.. I get to give myself an IV!! I tried to the first time, but they wouldn't let me, so I had to do it to another guy.. I was sad :( lol anyway...
My 18th b-day is the day after tomorrow.. YAY!! not that it matters here, but it will be cool to be considered an official "Adult" they tell us that graduating basic turns everybody into an adult, which is pretty true, but the government still calls me a minor until my b-day :)
anyway, hopefully now I'll start hearing from people, because it seems every time I call somebody either they are busy or they don't answer the phone.. ugg.. but the internet always works :) Anyways... I've got to get back to homework now..
I'll put up a few questions I have to answer for homework for fun :) I like showing peeps my homework :)
Normal electrical impulses originate in the sinus node, just above the:
A. Atria
B. Ventricles
C. AV Junction
D. Bundle of HIS
Characteristics of epiphrine include:
A. Dilating Passages in the lungs.
B. Constricting blood vessels.
C. Increasing the heart rate.
D. All of the above.
Anticholinergic medications have properties that block the____nerves
A. Parasympathetic
B. Sympathetic
C. Adrenergic
D. Parasympatholytic
as you can probably see it's pretty complicated stuff.. lol and that's just a TINY glimpse!!! so yea, I'd better get back to it.. we have a 4 day weekend because of veterens day, so we have a ton of homework assigned since we won't be in class..
so yup, God Bless, have a great day, and remember, it could always be worse.. lol like you could be doing EMT homework!!!! lol jk ;)
Hey Matthew,
I was wondering if you could send me your address there. Ya know, so the kind where you can send LETTERS instead of email... lol! Anyway, you can email it to my email address. Please send it soon too! And if you don't have email you can send it to me on my blog. :)
Well, tomorrow you turn 18!! lol! :D Happy early birthday! :D
Your friend,
Alyssa Jean :)
Nice pictures - I like the haircut. :)
May you continue to look to Jesus and rely on Him as the source of strength!
Keep in touch... sorry about the last time you tried to call. lol
Hey man! In the words of my favorite talking snowman, Frosty, "Happy Birthday!" Just picture the dazed looks on all the kids' faces when he suddenly talks. That's priceless. You and my brother share birthdays, interesting.
thanks for the comments guys! I had a kinda boring birthday in class all day trying to stay awake after getting up at 10 til 4 this morning to go get flu vaccines before breakfast.. ugh.. lol plus last night I stayed up until almost midnight watching "I am Legend" for the 4th or 5th time.. lol I'm going to have to find some new movies to watch.. oh well, I have video games that never get old.. I just wish there were more other guys to play mario kart with! (I got it on my DS) anyway.. my computer and DS are pretty much the only sources of entertainment I have here.. oh well.. anyway, Nobody is answering their cell phones.. anybody want to call me?? 573-578-6367... I have a formation at 9:30, but pretty much from 7:30pm until 9:30, and then again anytime after 10 or so until 11ish I am up, so feel free to call me sometime! and of course on the weekends I have my phone all day.. :) well, g2g now,
God Bless!!
oh and just to be annoying some more to somebody who said I don't need to tell the whole world a million times... I'M 18!!!! hehe..... :p I'm so mean.. lol anyway... I will talk more later.. maybe I'll even get to post soon! My camera should be here tomorrow :)
p.s. Alyssa does your mom still have the same cell phone number, cuz I've tried like 10 or more times since I got here to call her and it always says the caller is not available or something like that.. thanks
lol yes this is intentionally kindof a dumb smile ;P
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