Well, I decided it was time to post again, today was my first chance to get out of Fort Sam for a few hours.. I went to the Alamo and the nearby riverwalk.. it was really crowded today because they were going to turn on a bunch of Christmas lights all along the riverwalk, but I had to leave too soon to see that.. I got a few pictures.. here are some of them.. I will keep trying to get more pictures out there.. I'm planning to get an iphone pretty soon, so hopefully I'll have a bit more reliable internet!! Anyway, here are some pictures of my mini-vacation, enjoy!

Unfortunately by the time I got to this little waterfall along the riverwalk it was completely dark out, and only the light of a little riverside restaurant lit it up.. and the flash ruined the beauty of it, so you'll just have to be happy with a slightly noisy and dark picture for now..

A cool plant in the park surrounding the old Alamo fort.

I've seen this building before in pictures, but I don't know what it is..

An interesting statue thingy..

This fountain was really sweet.. it had flames coming out the midle, and water all around it and through it.. ;P

This picture would have been better if it hadn't taken me so long to get my camera out and going.. there was a couple holding hands that was silhouetted down at the end of this breezeway thing.. it was kinda cool, but oh well...

There was this cool fountain in the middle section of an intersection, it was pretty neat :)

Yea.. it's a palm tree... hehe

Parts of the park felt like a mini jungle!! the palm trees in some places made a little tunnel where the path went, and blocked out most of the light, and it was really cool ;)

That's one BIG christmas tree!!!

Umm.. a cactus plant.. yea.. that's about all there is to say about it.. ;)

A neat little barrel cactus that was growing outside in the alamo park

I have no idea what this building is, but it looked cool :) pretty old too by the looks of it..

one of hundreds of pretty flowers through the park.

Here is a picture of one of the walls of the original Alamo fort that is very famous in history :) It was really neat to actually see this history-filled place with my own eyes..

The greenery all through the Alamo park was really beautiful!! I wish I had had more daylight for photography!!!

Here is another picture of some of the plants :) The place was like a tropical oasis!! I will for sure be back there again!! Of course, the thought that while it's in the mid 70s and sunny here, back home it's frigid only makes it nicer here.. :)
Hope you enjoyed your mini-tour of my little excursion into the amazing city of San Antonio!!
More to come eventually!
I'm pretty sure the cactus that you had very little to say about is a species of prickly pear. I can't tell the size from the picture, but your flower looks like a species of hibiscus.
lol my camera is just fooling you, the flower was about the size of a penny.. that's how good the maco is on it.. I thought the same thing when I saw how big it looked in my picture.. and the cactus idk about.. it was like 5 feet tall though, so i doubt it was a prickly pear..
I was wondering if that was the case with the flower, however, I decided to add that anyway. Regarding the cactus, there are at least five species of prickly pear, and some do get big (even our native ones get much bigger in Texas), so I sill wouldn't eliminate it from the list of possibilties. I forgot to toll you how lucky you are in my last comment, so I'll tell you now. I've been wanting to go to the Alamo for years.
I love the pics that your camera takes! (these r from your camera right?) what kind of camera do you have? (brand, is it an SLR, and the zoom) thanks,
a friend in Christ
My camera is a Canon S5-is digital. It's a point-and-shoot, but it's as close to slr as they get.. it's a really awesome camera, but it takes a bit of practice to figure out the manual parts.. it's only got 12x built-in optical zoom, but it accepts additional lenses, and I've got a telephoto lens that doubles that.
wow! thanks! you answered everything! God bless and stay strong,
a friend/sibling in Christ
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