Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Haha funny :)
but anyway I think it's funny.. they just missed the part about needing innocent male species to vent their anger upon while male stands in utter confusion wondering how to fix it.. haha yea..
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 14:39 1 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas :)
Well, here are a few pictures.. I ended up with like 115 pictures on Christmas morning, and I haven't had time to sort all of them yet...
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 10:16 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas!!
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Posted by Matt Skywalker at 16:45 2 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
More abstract, macro, and random photos.. thanks to my favorite camera ever, the Canon S5-IS
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 07:02 3 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Life goes on..
Hey friends, I have a little request for you all, a good friend of mine could use some prayer, for her privacy I won't disclose too much, but her family isn't allowing her to even come home for Christmas, and it's very emotional for her, she's not even 18 and she's out on her own. So keep this friend in your prayers this Christmas, thanks guys ;)
On a lighter note, I'm coming home tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited! I have to get up at 3:30 in the morning, and then enjoy some of the army's wonderful hurry up and wait until my flight at 7:50.. Lovely. LOL anyway, I'm ready to get my butt OUT of this place for a few days to recharge! See some of you then! :)
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 20:50 0 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
38 hours!! Almost home :) yay!
LOL this is just a random picture of a styrofoam cup..
Anyway, my facebook readers know I had to go to the doctor to get my legs x-rayed and stuff.. Anyway, I had what I thought I did, which is inferior medial billateral tibula stress fractures, more commonly known as shin splints.. Don't worry, it's just this thin that makes me have leg pain if I run or jump too hard, and a couple weeks of limited running will fix that:)
Anyway, obviously I'm pretty excited about taking a break and getting to see everybody!!
Hopefully I will have chances to see all my friends!
God has blessed me so far, and although sometimes the atmosphere drags me down, I never stay there long :)
Hope you all are enjoying this advent season and are happy and blessed! Don't take your families for granted, cuz someday you'll regret it...
Anyway I should be going, I haven't got a lot to write about tonight.. But God bless you richly and "may your days be peaceful and your nights be golden" as the army parachute performing team puts it... I'll see many of you soon!
Matthew ;p
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 21:16 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
One of many more abstract/macro photos to come.. I'll be home in 72 hours, so I'll post the rest from my laptop.
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 20:15 2 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Welcome to the jungle! LOL
LOL sometimes I feel like I'm in a jungle!! Except for those below freezing windy mornings we occasionally have down here in San antonio..
I'm sure when I come home on block leave in less than 5 days (!!!!!!!!!!!)I'll be freezing cold all the time, but oh well. Today it is 82 and sunny here.. It's really nice! A few trees have finally started to change color, but for the most part it's still all green bushy down here. Anyway, I'm really excited about coming home! Hopefully I'll get to hang out with a bunch of my friends sometime while I'm there :) I really look forward to going to my familiar church, seeing my family/friends and sleeping in my comfy bed! Anyway, if you see me while I'm home, maybe this picture I took today might help you see why I'll be wearing every piece of warm clothing I own.. Ok maybe not that bad, but... Haha until next time! ~me ;p
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 14:46 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Another car for sale back home that I can't buy... Only $4000 too!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 20:25 1 comments
More photo fun :)
Haha my nickname isn't matt skywalker for nothing!! LOL just more photo fun :) I love manipulating pix!
Sorry if it's not too high quality, it's just an iPhone camera picture..
Well, now that i've passed the NREMT and pt test I'm a lot less stressed, and I'm just looking forward to a little break from all of this!
I hope you are all still having a great Christmas season!! I know I will in a week or so :)
I'm going to go do a bit of working out and then go play halo 3 probably...
So ttyl!!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 19:10 2 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Another picture..
Here is another picture I took a couple weeks ago. It's a pretty little spot in the Alamo riverwalk section. I figured that the few pictures I have left to put up I will post one or two at a time every day or two. That way I can keep everybody up to date and still keep it colorful with pictures :)
So the update on me: well, pretty much the same, except that I'm taking the NREMT in a few short hours, and that is an intimidating thought for me right now. I'm excited to be coming
home in ten days for my two week Christmas leave. I'll be getting home around 7 or 8 on the 19th, and then I leave really really early in the morning on the 2nd of January. So, that's what's up with me.. Hope this post sees you being blessed and having a wonderful Christmas season :D Well, God bless, and unt next time, ttfn!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 19:57 2 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Hey everybody, hope you are all well, and are being blessed with a joyous and amazing Christmas season this far. I'm doing well, but I could use some prayers for my NREMT test this coming Tuesday. I will put more up sometime, but right now I've been spending most of my free time studying and doing laundry and such, so there hasn't been much to take pictures of.. Anyway, God bless you!! If anybody is interested in contacting me, feel free to call or text me anytime! My# is (573) 578-6367 if I dont answer just leave me a message!! Or you can always email me at ;) I love hearing from people!! And of course, you should cment on my blog.. ;p well, ttyl until next time!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 15:12 3 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
A little photo editing...
posting to my blog that I think will work.. Want your photo turned
into a fun photo?? Feel free to email one to me and I will see what I
can do because I enjoy working with pictures :)
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 18:25 1 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Well I'm messing around with my iPhone seeing how easy it is to post to my blog. other than posting pictures so far it seems pretty easy.. I'm going to try working on that one next, because so far that's the only thing I have not been able to do online with my iPhone that I could with a regular computer.
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 21:31 0 comments
For some reason recently I've been kinda depressed and gloomy.. maybe it's just because the stuff I have to live with every day is starting to get old, along with not having seen all the people I know and love back home for several months.. whatever the case, I can't wait to come home for a little break from it all here in a couple weeks.. :) :)
Anyway, I've got to get going and get some supper real quick, so I'd better go! God Bless!!!]
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 19:13 0 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
My trip to the Riverwalk/Alamo
Hope you enjoyed your mini-tour of my little excursion into the amazing city of San Antonio!!
More to come eventually!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 22:40 6 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
My Home away from home
"Soldier Medics... Warrior Spirit! Hooah!"
(as you can see the leaves are still green.. and they're some weird kind of tree..)
Thanks for reading by the way, and feel more than welcome to drop me a comment, even just to say hi! :)
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 22:16 2 comments