Wednesday, December 17, 2008

38 hours!! Almost home :) yay!

LOL this is just a random picture of a styrofoam cup..

Anyway, my facebook readers know I had to go to the doctor to get my legs x-rayed and stuff.. Anyway, I had what I thought I did, which is inferior medial billateral tibula stress fractures, more commonly known as shin splints.. Don't worry, it's just this thin that makes me have leg pain if I run or jump too hard, and a couple weeks of limited running will fix that:)
Anyway, obviously I'm pretty excited about taking a break and getting to see everybody!!
Hopefully I will have chances to see all my friends!
God has blessed me so far, and although sometimes the atmosphere drags me down, I never stay there long :)
Hope you all are enjoying this advent season and are happy and blessed! Don't take your families for granted, cuz someday you'll regret it...
Anyway I should be going, I haven't got a lot to write about tonight.. But God bless you richly and "may your days be peaceful and your nights be golden" as the army parachute performing team puts it... I'll see many of you soon!
Matthew ;p