Happy Fourth of July!
Remember that even though we may not like some of the things that the government is doing, and even if we are not as "free" as we're supposed to be, we have more freedom in this country than pretty much any other nation in the world.
Also, remember those fighting for our country, and their families as they are celebrating this holiday thousands of miles away from each other.
"It is only because rough men stand willing to do violent deeds that people can sleep peacefully in their beds at night in America"
Something that really bugs me is when people become almost Anti-American just because they don't like what's going on in politics. Sure, the government is kinda screwed up sometimes, but that doesn't give you the right to hate the country you live in. As a military personnel, like nearly all service men and women, I hold my patriotism very dear, even with my very life. It's sad to see how many people sit down, hats on, and talk while the national anthem is playing. While you don't have to stand at rigid attention arms presented, and all that a soldier has to do, you should at least give the flag some respect, if only in remembrance of the thousands of lives spent to protect that flag and the freedom that it symbolizes.
Have a great Independence Day! Remember what this day is all about, and the lives of so many who have sacrificed themselves "to protect and defend the constitution and the United States against all intruders both foreign and domestic"

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