Well, today was the big day at my job, It was the big roping competition, it started at 11:00 am, and ended after 10:00 pm. My job was to keep the cattle going through the alleys and chutes to be ready for the ropers to have at them. Usually the cattle didn't want to go where they were supposed to though, so it was a pretty hard job all day. I'm really tired mow.. lol I guess now I know I was working though because first, I got kicked right below the kneecap by a bull, then another bull almost sprained my shoulder, and a big steer almost broke my knuckle! lol fun fun fun!!!!! I'll put some pictures up on here of today later, but right now I want to go to sleep, because I was working until 10:30 tonight, and then I had an hour drive home, so I'm exhausted.. Yay! I get to do it again only more so later this week! There's a big PRCA Family Rodeo there this Friday and Saturday that I will be on staff for, and those always go really late.. lol but it's awesome fun, even getting beat up by the bulls with long horns :) :P Someday maybe I'll be able to ride horses in the rodeo :) but for now, I just exercise them and do trail rides.. well, I'll finish this post later.. gniteThe arena before the event.
Time to start practicing....
Here are a few of the smaller bulls and steers...
This is a view most of you won't get at a roping event.. the view from behind the boxes :) That's Walker running the chute gate there.It was pretty neat, we got a decent sunset during the roping :) The clouds had been looking ominous all day long, and a few times it started to lightly rain on us.. but it never actually rained very hard, and by about 1:00 all the rain stopped completely.
I had a pretty good time yesterday, although by about 9:30 I was getting pretty tired.. after all, after 14 hours of pretty manually involved work it starts to get to you... but hey.. I made like almost a hundred bucks since I worked so long...
The only picture of him didn't' turn out, but I have met one of the ropers there before. His name is John McDonald (I think that's right..), and I've seen him at a church that I went to for a while, and sat up in the balcony with him and some other guys.
Well, hope you liked my pictures :)
Monday, May 26, 2008
Huzzah Valley Roping Event :)
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 23:34
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