Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Well... I have wheels.. sorta...

Posted by Matt Skywalker at 22:30 1 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Another prayer request
I'd like to ask for your prayers. Today a friend accidentally hit my dog Belle with his car. Her back was broken, and her back legs were paralyzed. I've been going through some extraordinarily rough times lately, and this morning I was starting to think I was back into the good times again, but then while I was working on my English paper this afternoon she got hit. It did not kill her, but there was nothing I could do to fix her so I had to put her down. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do to get the nerve up to inject her with the shot that makes her heart stop and die. I held her in my lap as she breathed her last. It was very nice for me though, because I was able to call a very wonderful friend of mine who loves animals as much as I do right after I gave Belle the shot so I had somebody to talk to and everything while I was going through such hard times. It was really very comforting to be able to hear her voice on the other side of the phone just being there, and reading bible verses and just knowing that she understood what I was going through. I usually don't let other people hear or see me cry, but this time I was crying like a baby.. I mean, when you love your animals as much as I do, and then suddenly you have to be the one to kill it... It was really hard, because right up to when I had to give her the shot Belle kept looking at me as if she was begging for help, and she kept trying to lick my face, and hide her head in my arms like she used to when she was a puppy and scared of something she didn't understand. One thing that I thought was really neat was how my friend had told me about this flowering tree she had suddenly seen when she was praying for me, and then after Belle got hit, she went back to the same spot to pray for me again, and the whole area was exploding with blooms! It was like a sign from God that He is still there for us, and he knows how we feel. Loosing my dog was still far from easy. Belle and I have been through a lot together. I have had her for over three years. I raised her from a puppy, and she has been a really great dog for me. She has had vices at times, though most everything bad she had grown out of by now. She used to have a bad habit of wanting to kill chickens, but I trained her out of that and she hardly would look a chicken in the eye since then. Actually, she has been kinda protective of the chickens if anything. Like she went crazy if there was a hawk or something trying to attack one of the chickens. Oh what I would give to have her all excited to see me and jump up on me with muddy paws while I'm wearing nice clothes! She never was one to jump up a whole lot, just when she got excited (usually at just the wrong time too.. like when little kids came over... lol) Something she had just recently picked up from my mom's dog is chasing cars. She never used to, and even now she didn't much, she just kinda follows along usually far away from the cars kinda like sometimes little kids will do when people are coming or going. And it wasn't like she even chased everybody that drives by either. Just people coming here or leaving from here she would run after them unless I was out there to tell her to stop. Today when my sister's friend came over he didn't see her, and somehow she got hit.
Here's one picture I have of Belle from about a year ago.
Here's a picture of her as a puppy- she was soo cute! She liked sitting in this bucket because it was close to the door where I came out. I tried to get her to sleep under the porch where she would be protected, but she refused :)
Here's a picture I took with her this afternoon. I got several decent pictures. i knew what I had to do, so I decided to at least get some pictures to remember her by. She kept shoving her head up against me really hard. And she tried to come sit in my lap, but she couldn't move, and if I tried to move her it hurt her pretty bad. She kept rubbing her face against me, and licking me a lot.
This is the last picture taken of her before I put her down. She looks fine, but really she couldn't move anything other than her front legs and her head. Also if you look close you will see that her back legs are kinda at weird angles and she obviously does not look at all happy. I could tell she was in a lot of pain. If anybody other than me tried to move her she would snap at them because it hurt her so bad. With me she would just cry, and start looking at me like she was asking me to stop.
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 22:16 1 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Today was not a good day for me. I found this really awesome car on Rollanet- a 1992 Mitsubishi Eclipse, which is a sports car that looks cool, and has the fin on the back and everything. It was only $800 and I really wanted it. I told the seller I wanted to come look at it, and she sent me some more pix and told me more about it and stuff, well, then I asked when I could come look at it.. four hours later, I got a response- "sorry, somebody just bought the car" I coulda cried.. there's like no other cars in my price range that are even slightly cool. I'm going to have to get a boring 4-door car like all the other cars out there.. Man I was upset.. Well, I can't complain, God is in charge and he'll work everything out :) I really hope I can find a nice one! Please pray that I will!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 22:21 2 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Tim Hawkins- Bananas and playgrounds
Tim Hawkins on Moms
Tim Hawkins- My arms are broken
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 08:32 2 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Update time..
Hey sorry it's been a few days since I posted last, but I've been working on my new movie review blog I have not been getting any response from the people selling the car, but the ad has been updated, so I'm assuming it's still for sale. Last night was the English country dance, and as usual, I had a blast! Unfortunately I don't have any pictures to post.. someday when I get rich and can afford a camera I'll get some awesome pics to post on my blog, but until then, I'm kinda out of good pix, and my friend who took pix apparently deleted any pix that I would've wanted because she thought she looked bad..
other than that, not much going on around here.. same old boring life for me!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 18:57 1 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Well, today I'm selling my truck for a small price of $600. I was hoping for more, but the highest offer I got was $600, and I don't have time to wait for more. I'm really hoping to get a car I found on rollanet that's $1,000 I don't have $1,000 yet though, and by the time I get it they probably will have sold the car :(
here it is, a 1984 Mazda RX-7 Rotary engine, 0-50 in 6.3 seconds, 120mph top speed, 29 highway mpg.. not to terribly bad :)
I'm afraid it'll be gone by the time I get the money though :(
other than that, not too terribly much going down around here.. same ol' same ol'... getting kinda boring not ever talking to anybody since nobody ever responds to my correspondence... :( well, that's about it for today. Hopefully I'll have an update soon as to my vehicle status.
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 07:14 3 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
Oh great.. it's my truck again...
Well, it's not good at all this time... Halfway to Houston MO my truck did a bad thing.. It popped out of gear, and would not go back in, and when I forced it into gear it made horrible screeching grinding sounds.. It worked if 4th gear, but no 1, 2, 3, or 5... it's nearly impossible to start after a red light in 4th gear... let me tell you!!! This is not good at all, it could be the transmission needing rebuilding, and if that's the case, I'll be buying a new truck because to get a new transmission would cost more than my truck.. this is not good at all... I don't know why all of a sudden everything seems to be going wrong at once in my life.. My truck has always been very reliable and i've never had problems, but here in the last couple weeks this is the third very major and expensive problem that has come up with it. My social life seems to be falling apart, the money isn't there when I need it, and everything around me seems to be crumbling. However, I put my faith in Him who loves me and died for me, and I know everything will all come out right in the end. It is in the times of trouble that God makes Himself most felt in my life. Many people ask how a loving God could let bad things happen. For me, many bad things end up being good in the end, even if it doesn't look like it, because I learn to trust God. God is a loving God, but he doesn't control our lives like robots. We have choices to make, many times things that seem like they have nothing to do with us are merely because we have made poor choices in our lives. I'm not saying everything is that way, but sometimes it is. God knows what's best for me, and apparently He's purifying me through the fire. If I imagine myself as a lump of silver going into the silversmith's furnace, the prospect doesn't look good, and the flames hurt. But after I come out on the other side, molded into a beautiful pure work of an artist's hand, the pain and fear seem like silly matters when I see what I've become. It's the same in real life too. Now I'm not saying every bad thing in our lives is God's loving touch. We all make mistakes, and God is a just God, and there are consequences for our actions. There is also a dark and evil spirit, fallen from the glory of heaven who loves nothing more than to wreak havoc upon the lives of God's children. However, God is in control still, and if we keep our eyes upon Him, and not on the waves around us, we will always come out on top, and one day meet Him in glory forever. Please pray for me now, my life is not what I want it to be, and most of all right now I'm worried about how much my truck is going to cost, or if I have to buy a new one how much that is going to cost. Your prayers are appreciated :) God bless, and please have a better week than I have!
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 20:30 1 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
This is a little something I made to honor those who are risking their lives to protect us and our freedom. Though I am a soldier, I have not been deployed overseas yet, and have never risked my life to protect this country. Therefore, this is for them. Please comment on this video- was it any good? do I need different pictures? Do you know of any good pictures that would fit in? Did the music fit? Thank-you for your input :)
Posted by Matt Skywalker at 22:42 1 comments